Put 1 plastic bag in the washing machine: what happens to the laundry 30 minutes later

How to clean your washing machine effectively
From now on you will never do laundry again without using this trick that will change your everyday life. But aside from this beneficial use, it is important to maintain your device regularly.
In order to hope for an effective detergent and not affect the performance of the washing machine, it is important to clean its components frequently. And especially the filter, which is often put to the test!
Professionals recommend cleaning it at least every 2-3 months . How do you make it at home? It’s not complicated: First, you take it out of the device and manually remove any accumulated dirt, especially clothing fibers, hair or animal hair.
Then wash it under running water . If you notice that it contains incrustations due to limescale, do not hesitate to immerse it in a solution of water and alcoholic vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Leave on for 15 minutes, then scrub with a soft brush and rinse.
When the filter is clean and you put it back in the machine, wash it thoroughly. For optimal cleaning, rely on the cleansing, whitening , and deodorizing benefits of white vinegar. Here’s how to do it: Pour a cup of vinegar into the detergent drawer and then run an empty cycle at maximum temperature (90°C). This means your washing machine will be clean, shiny and hygienic again.
Why put a plastic bag in it
Do you often notice that your laundry is covered in lint when it comes out of the drum? Maybe it’s the fibers of a handkerchief forgotten in the pockets? But maybe you also have a pet at home that sheds a lot?
Whatever the reason, this lint is annoying in many ways: it sticks to your freshly washed clothes, but most importantly, it damages the appliance’s filter and drum over time.
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