Rest assured, there is a very smart way to solve this problem. Thanks to this grandmother’s method, no fibers or hair will disturb your clothes and at the same time all internal components of the washing machine will be protected.
Plastic bag
The little trick is very simple: Before starting the wash cycle, place a transparent plastic bag in the drum in the middle of the laundry. Everyone is fine, including whoever you go shopping with.
After entering, set up your washing machine as usual and run the program . When the wash cycle is finished and you open the drum, you will notice that there is no hair or lint left.
Your clothes will come out perfectly clean and any residue will be trapped in the plastic bag thanks to static electricity. And not only that: This ingenious method also extends the lifespan of the filter because all the small dirt no longer sticks to it, but to the bag.
Put 1 plastic bag in the washing machine: what happens to the laundry 30 minutes later
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