In recent years, heart attacks have become the leading cause of death. It’s no wonder, given our stressful lifestyles and the prevalence of unhealthy junk food.
6 Symptoms of a Heart Attack
Protecting heart health involves lifestyle changes and stress reduction, but knowing the symptoms of a heart attack is even better. These symptoms often start appearing about a month before a heart attack occurs.
Feeling dizzy throughout the day is not normal, except for pregnant women. A diseased heart struggles to pump enough blood to all the body’s organs, particularly affecting the brain, which sends clear distress signals. Seek medical attention if you experience dizziness.
2.Chest Pain or Pressure:
Heart problems typically come with chest pain, often in the form of painful peaks lasting several minutes. If this discomfort increases in frequency and duration, consult a doctor promptly.
3.Frequent Illness:
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