Some people have the habit of harvesting the lemon juice and discarding the skin of the fruit. But in reality, the nutrients contained in lemon zest have multiple virtues that are necessary to preserve.
To benefit from it, you can sprinkle your salads with lemon zest or mix them with the juice. Indeed, everything is good in lemon and each part of the fruit participates in the prevention and treatment of certain conditions.
To preserve the vitamins and minerals in lemons, you can opt for a proven freezing method. ad Before freezing, be sure to get organically grown lemons to avoid the presence of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
ad Ideal for people who add lemons to their culinary preparations, this method allows you to incorporate the whole citrus fruits later or to grate the zest. To freeze whole lemons, place them in a tightly sealed freezer bag. Then place the bag in the freezer. To freeze lemon juice, squeeze the citrus fruits and keep the zest aside. Put the juices obtained in small ice cube molds which you will place in a freezer bag. Then, grate the lemon peel and put the zest in a bag that you close tightly before placing it in the freezer.
1 – IT PROTECTS AND STRENGTHENS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Credit: dlsciences Frozen lemon therapy helps combat many everyday illnesses to which we are frequently exposed, such as colds, infections and flu. Many people prepare, for example, lemon peel infusions. But you should know that this process causes the lemon to lose more than 40% of its properties. Conversely, if you freeze it, you will preserve all its virtues, and you will be able to consume it more easily.
2 – IT TAKES CARE OF THE LIVER Containing flavonoids, lemon is a real liver ally. The liver is an extremely important organ that participates in many metabolic functions. However, excess alcohol and fat can disrupt it. But researchers report that ingesting lemon juice benefits the liver and prevents alcohol-induced liver damage.
3 – IT HELPS LOSE WEIGHT Rich in dietary fiber and polyphenols, lemon fights against the accumulation of body fat and prevents excess weight. Thus, a scientific experiment carried out on obese rodents revealed that the antioxidants contained in lemon effectively reduce fatty tissues and also regulate blood sugar levels.
4 – REDUCTION OF HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA Credit: doctissimo Flavonoids and limonoids from citrus fruits and their juices may have potential to reduce hypercholesterolemia. Animal studies have shown that some of them lower blood cholesterol10,11,19. However, these studies were not performed using compounds extracted directly from lemon or lime. The bioavailability of compounds from citrus fruits and their absorption mechanisms must be studied in humans before their clinical effectiveness can be determined.
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