In this article I want to show you a big secret that a lot of people don’t know about which is something you can do yourself at home by just Getting Salt, Kerosene and any Detergent and do this:
All you need to do is to get an empty container and take salt from your kitchen or store. Get kerosene and also get detergent that you Wish to use.
Now, I will show you how to use it.
The first thing you need to do is to get the empty container and pour about 10 tea spoon of Salt into the empty container, get any detergent of your choice, pour like 100 naira detergent into the container and get your Kerosene which you will pour till it gets to half of the container and then cover the container and shake it well.
You need to make a little hole on the cover of the container and apply gently.
I make sure you are wondering what all these is about and you are eager to know the benefits of this thing I just showed you. I will surely tell you. This thing you just made will help you to get rid of mosquitoes, bedbugs, ants, flies, centipede, snakes, lizard, insects, reptile of all sorts, both creeping and flying insects, now their ends are here.
After you mix ingredients together, now apply them where necessary to k::ill any insects disturbing your peace in the house.
To use it: