Don’t throw away tuna cans, at home they are worth their weight in gold: how to reuse them

But you can also make pretty candle holders with tuna cans. The procedure is the same as for the jars, so you will have to use  clothespins  that you will place inside the empty can and then you will insert a candle by placing it inside a glass so that the flame does not damage the can or the wood of the jars. clothespins.

Did you know that empty tuna cans can also be useful in the kitchen? Thanks to their small but perfect size, they can become molds for single-serving stews or for making delicious sweets. Of course, always wash them well before using them and remove the outer packaging. You can also use them as  a pudding mold .

What if we told you that you can also make  curious and fun crafts for children with cans? An idea?  A rattle  to hang on the crib or even outside the doors!

Get plenty of empty cans to wash and decorate as you like. Make holes in them and pass a hemp thread or a strong rope through them and hang them from a support that you can then place wherever you want: The whisper of the wind will make them touch and play.

If you are even more skilled and experienced with crafts, you can also use tuna cans to make a wall clock. In this case, you will also need a handle mechanism  that you can attach to the empty can after carefully drilling holes where necessary. So you see how many cute ideas you can come up with just by putting away the  empty tuna cans ?

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